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Proof of Performance

The Production Maximizer™ Gas Lift Compression Optimization Skid – Proven to Reduce Shutdown Events and Methane Emissions

A recent case study was conducted on 281 gas-lifted wells in the Permian Basin to assess production performance. Liftrock utilized onboard measurement and telemetry systems to monitor 77 gas lift compressors with Liftrock Maximizer skids and 77 gas lift compressors without Liftrock Production Maximizer skids. The study measured four target areas:

  • The frequency and duration of shutdown events related to compressor scrubber liquid levels, engine panels, and low engine/compressor oil pressure
  • The frequency, duration, and volume of leaking and stuck open dump valve events that negatively impact oil production of wells due to under injection
  • Total measured volumes of methane captured
  • Gallons per day of methanol consumed to mitigate compressor scrubber liquid level shutdowns

Comparison of Gas Lift Performance

Total shutdown events

Compressor scrubber liquid level shutdown events

Low engine oil pressure shutdown events

Engine panel shutdowns

Production downtime savings