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Maximizer™ Gas Lift Compression Optimization Skid

A Story of Invention

In 2016, Liftrock management addressed what has long been a significant issue in gas lift compression operations – downtime resulting from compressor shutdown events. Their answer was the QuickSet™, which was later to become today’s Maximizer™ Gas Lift Compression Optimization Skid.

Liftrock management soon realized that QuickSet also held the answer to eliminating gas-lift-related methane emissions, an increasingly contentious issue for the industry. The unit’s “closed-loop” design proved to eliminate up to 100% of fugitive methane emissions from gas lift compression facilities, further driving its success within the industry.

Liftrock management soon realized that QuickSet also held the answer to eliminating gas-lift-related methane emissions, an increasingly contentious issue for the industry. The unit’s “closed-loop” design proved to eliminate up to 100% of fugitive methane emissions from gas lift compression facilities, further driving its success within the industry.

That closed-loop design also provided another significant benefit: early detection and resolution of leaking or stuck-open compressor scrubber dump valve events. Without a Maximizer skid, these frequently occurring events are difficult to detect and have a negative impact on the associated well’s production due to under injection

At the same time, the construction of gas lift facilities was requiring too much time and costing far too much. There was also more demand for roustabout services than there were available experienced crews. Even if available, many of the crews could not be counted on to consistently deliver a facility that met quality standards. The company addressed this issue by developing the Maximizer as a manufactured skidded system that would replace much of the facility work being done on-site

Today’s Maximizer has evolved even further to better match the optimization skid to the customer’s needs. With two core models currently available, the MRU2000 Series and MRU3000 Series (each equipped with or without inlet separators), operators can now select a Maximizer model that best fits their application and objectives.

The drive to invent and innovate has created an important piece of equipment for the industry, making gas lift compression a more efficient, productive, and environmentally sound process.